

transaction ID CTRX0x07ac80fb4b7633b55f83eb305e79d80517de17f6
Type Type0 (TRX TEXT)
Recipient CACT0xe9bb87b92...
Forging 0.0000000000 COSBALL Token
Timestamp 2023-01-26 11:03:33
Block CBLK0x6fef738b94cafccd074269a970ce9535512b19c3
Transaction Id CTRX0x07ac80fb4b7633b55f83eb305e79d80517de17f6
화살표 아이콘 Data length 46
화살표 아이콘 Data text CBOX0x1c6f956669b960bf70ea782c2c2d64ed8305e013
Aid CACT0xe9bb87b92...
Birth 1958...
Sex male
Nation Private Block Information
Skin Image Private Block Information
Skinton Private Block Information
Improve Private Block Information
Problem Private Block Information
Zipcode Private Block Information
Measure_nation Private Block Information
Utc Private Block Information
Latitude Private Block Information
Longitude Private Block Information
Measure date 2023/01/26 11:03:19
Temperature -7.5℃
Humidity 79%
Uv 1.9
Skin Care Score of Skin Moisture 95
Skin Care Score of Skin Elasticity 78
Skin Care Score of Skin Wrinkles 53
Skin Care Score of Skin Spot Pigmentation 73
Skin Age Private Block Information
COSBALL Solution of Skin Moisture A24
COSBALL Solution of Skin Elasticity B24
COSBALL Solution of Skin Wrinkles C21
COSBALL Solution of Skin Spot Pigmentation D22
Type of Mining Token COSBALL Token
Quantity of Mining Token 0.0000000000
Write date Private Block Information