

transaction ID CTRX0x30969cc82f625591003da3b07f64f48407e3c27b
Type Type0 (TRX TEXT)
Recipient CACT0xbc3d140a8...
Forging 0.0000000000 COSBALL Token
Timestamp 2024-07-26 22:55:23
Transaction Id CTRX0x30969cc82f625591003da3b07f64f48407e3c27b
화살표 아이콘 Data length 46
화살표 아이콘 Data text CBOX0x0f06de95568123310ae62cfd8ea1f7c76c315c56
Aid CACT0xbc3d140a8...
Birth 1958...
Sex female
Nation Private Block Information
Skin Image Private Block Information
Skinton Private Block Information
Improve Private Block Information
Problem Private Block Information
Zipcode Private Block Information
Measure_nation Private Block Information
Utc Private Block Information
Latitude Private Block Information
Longitude Private Block Information
Measure date 2024/07/26 22:55:12
Temperature 26.1℃
Humidity 100%
Uv 10.49
Skin Care Score of Skin Moisture 51
Skin Care Score of Skin Elasticity 51
Skin Care Score of Skin Wrinkles 55
Skin Care Score of Skin Spot Pigmentation 57
Skin Age Private Block Information
COSBALL Solution of Skin Moisture A21
COSBALL Solution of Skin Elasticity B21
COSBALL Solution of Skin Wrinkles C23
COSBALL Solution of Skin Spot Pigmentation D23
Type of Mining Token COSBALL Token
Quantity of Mining Token 0.0000000000
Write date Private Block Information