

transaction ID CTRX0x447487422c40a39efc1eda36860b56973b512c1c
Type Type0 (TRX TEXT)
Recipient CACT0xe6e2f82f1...
Forging 0.0000000000 COSBALL Token
Timestamp 2024-07-26 18:10:47
Transaction Id CTRX0x447487422c40a39efc1eda36860b56973b512c1c
화살표 아이콘 Data length 46
화살표 아이콘 Data text CBOX0xe9fb6ef82ac2d3021b1512a3f2cd71ef496653a0
Aid CACT0xe6e2f82f1...
Birth 1965...
Sex female
Nation Private Block Information
Skin Image Private Block Information
Skinton Private Block Information
Improve Private Block Information
Problem Private Block Information
Zipcode Private Block Information
Measure_nation Private Block Information
Utc Private Block Information
Latitude Private Block Information
Longitude Private Block Information
Measure date 2024/07/26 18:10:27
Temperature 27.2℃
Humidity 97%
Uv 10.49
Skin Care Score of Skin Moisture 52
Skin Care Score of Skin Elasticity 52
Skin Care Score of Skin Wrinkles 81
Skin Care Score of Skin Spot Pigmentation 52
Skin Age Private Block Information
COSBALL Solution of Skin Moisture A15
COSBALL Solution of Skin Elasticity B15
COSBALL Solution of Skin Wrinkles C19
COSBALL Solution of Skin Spot Pigmentation D18
Type of Mining Token COSBALL Token
Quantity of Mining Token 0.0000000000
Write date Private Block Information